We offer several Employment Support Services for adults with autism spectrum disorders depending on the level of assistance needed.
The successful employment of an autistic person relies on focusing on a person’s strengths, abilities and skills. The key is to treat each person as an individual and avoid assumptions about their likely performance because they have autism.
Through Pathways to Employment, we work with the person to identify his/her strengths and interests and explore vocational opportunities that will develop necessary job skills.
The Employment Training Program (ETP) provides assistance in pursuing internships in community businesses with the goal of gaining paid employment. ETP provides a comprehensive process to assist with learning about the world of work, gaining real work experience, acquiring work skills, building relationships at work and maintaining employment.
Supported Employment (SEMP) provides the supports a person needs to obtain and maintain paid competitive jobs in the community. Many people in SEMP benefit from limited job coaching to successfully maintain their employment.
Lastly, ACCES-VR assists people with disabilities to achieve and maintain employment and to support independent living through training, education, rehabilitation, and career development.
Autism Services, Inc. supports the employment of autistic people in:
- preparing food in restaurants
- clerical work
- bakeries
- shipping and receiving
- cleaning offices
- retail
Autistic employees:
- Pay attention to detail
- Adhere to routines
- Follow rules
- Are reliable
- Value accuracy
- Can concentrate without distraction on one particular task for lengthy periods
- Possess an excellent memory
- Are conscientious and persistent