Arts Enrichment Programs

Supplemental Day Hab - evening classes - openings

We offer additional art and music enrichment opportunities that are open to those who attend our programs and those who do not. Some highlights include:

  • Bi-monthly evening arts classes (Supplemental Arts Enrichment Program) for autistic children and adults featuring art, yoga, and music activities designed to help meet personal goals in communication, socialization, or other goal areas of choice. We have openings in this program. Contact us today
  • Our annual stage production in June (past musicals include Grease, The Sound of Music, The Lion King, and The Wizard of Oz). Our new Variety Show format allows us to step back and let performers create and perform their own acts, as well as join group ensembles if they choose.
  • Participation throughout the year in art exhibits, art workshops and collaborations with community artists and arts organizations.
  • Creative Movement sessions are a place for relaxation, fun, and exercise. Interactive participation is encouraged with choice of song and activity, and guided instruction for therapy is provided with some brain gym movements and autism movement therapy dances. We play games with peers, bounce on therapy balls and explore movement with giant scarves and ribbon props. Sessions begin with a series of warm up stretches and end with yoga to cool down into stillness.